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Add people in a certain category depending on their socio-demographics. A correct profiling will help to identify the right respondents that fall into the target audience.


Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing is one of the most popular methods when it comes to conducting research. It requires the respondent to answer surveys online. A CAWI respondent reads out the questions on the screen and enters his answers, which are then stored in the server. This method makes it really time efficient to reach out too difficult target profiles.

Also see: CATI


Blind Test

A type of test where respondents do not know the brands they are testing, mostly used to stimulate sensorial behavior (food or cosmetic testing). The aim of a blind test is to collect objective answers and avoid bias resulting from a brand or a product imagery. Blind tests are used to compare products with other competitors or simply product testing.

Also see: Tests, Product Testing

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